ProgramTeacherCreditDuration All ShiyuYin 2 40 Course Name: Academic English 1-3 Course Code: S2113001 Semester: 1 Credit:2(each semester) Program: All Course Module: Language & Social Science Respons...
ProgramTeacherCreditDuration All Mentor Group 1 0 Course Name: Academic Reports Course Code: S2293156 Semester: Credit: 1 Program: All Course Module: Responsible: Mentor Group E-mail: Department:TIE...
This course is a required course in TIEI's Master of Engineering in Computer Science program. Advanced algorithms guide computer-related workers to design more efficient programs. Graduate students majoring in computer science have basic algorithm design ability and related knowledge, but the ability to use algorithms for more efficient program analysis and program design still needs to be improved. The main content of this course includes the use of algorithms for program modeling and program design and run-time space analysis. This course aims to develop students' algorithm modeling ability and programming abilities.
ProgramTeacherCreditDuration Computer science Jianrong Wang 2 40 Course Name:Advanced Database Course Code:S2293212 Semester: 4 Credit: 2 Program: Computer science Course Module: Optional Responsible:...
This course is required for TIEI's Master of Engineering in Computer Science. The advanced data structure is an important method to optimize data storage in the process of computer coding.
The course is optionaldesigned for Engineering Master of Computer Science in TIEI. Students will study advanced operating system topics and be exposed to recent developments in conducting systems research. The topics of the course includes: operating system design, virtual memory management, virtual machines, OS interaction with the hardware architecture, synchronization and communication, file systems, protection, and security. By the end of this course, the students could understand the inner working mechanism of the operating system and manage the hardware of the computer.
ProgramTeacherCreditDuration Computer science Jianrong Wang 2 40 Course Name:Advanced Operating Systems Course Code:S2293228 Semester: 5 Credit: 2 Program: Computer science Course Module: Optional R...
Parametric design for architecture, is an emerging approach to architectural design. The core idea of the method is to turn the entire elements of architectural design into variables of some function, and by changing the function, or rather the algorithm, the architect is able to obtain different architectural design solutions.
This course is a basic specialized course for master students of buildings , including the character of steel and concrete materials, the mechanical behavior, the calculating method of bending, shearing, axial compression and eccentric compression of reinforced concrete members and composite members.
This course is a basic specialized courses for master students of buildings, including the steel members and joints construction, different kinds of structure systems, concept of steel structure.