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Yonghong Hou

Xiangdong Huang



Tianjin International Engineering Institute




School of Electrical and Information Engineering




334 Room, Building 26D



Xiangdong Huang, received his Ph.D. in Signal and Information Processing, from Tianjin University in 2007. He is currently a Professor of The School of Electrical and Information Engineering at Tianjin University.

He and his group at Tianjin University have published more than 100 refereed journal and conference papers. Dr. Huang has been awarded 42 Chinese invention patents.



Ph D (Signal and information Processing), Tianjin University, 2007

MS (Signal and information Processing), Tianjin University, 2004

BS (Electronic Information Engineering), Tiangong University, 2001

Research Interests

(1) Fundamentals of All-phase Signal Processing Theory comprised of Spectral Analysis and Filter design.  In spectral analysis, he solved the intractable problems of suppressing spectral leakage and accurate phase information extraction; In Filter design, he proposed a series of methods to realize filters with small ripples in passbands , large attenuation in stopbands, and precise cut-off frequencies.

(2) Spectral analysis under the temporal-domain undersampling and spatial-domain undersampling conditions, serving for the forthcoming  6G communication system which requires low-rate data processing in information extraction in extremely high-frequency bands. Typically, he combines the coprime undersampling, spectrum correction and Chinese Remainder Theorem to solve the above problems.

(3) Array signal processing in both DOA estimation and beamforming. On one hand, He is focusing on wide-band beamforming in sparse arrays. On the other hand, he is trying to design low-complexity wideband beamformer for the commonly-used linear frequency modulation signals.

(4) Musical information Extraction and application of Brain-Computer Interface design. Especially, he tries to explore the theoretic explanation in music perceptions such as timbre, Musical harmony of typical chords from the viewpoint of harmonics analysis and spectral analysis.

(5) Artificial Intelligence. He is trying to achieve good trade-off between the interpretable signal processing method and high-performance AI network.

(6) Underwater acoustic signal processing.


Selected Publications  

[1] 黄翔东, Senxue Jing, Zhaohua Wang, et al. Closed-Form FIR Filter Design Based on Convolution Window Spectrum Interpolation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2016, 64(5): 1173-1186.

[2] 黄翔东, Yiwen Han, Ziyang Yan, et al. Resolution Doubled Co-Prime Spectral Analyzers for Removing Spurious Peaks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2016, 64(10): 2489 - 2498.

[3] 黄翔东, Bo Zhang,  Haohua Qin, et al. Closed-Form Design of Variable Fractional-Delay FIR Filters With Low or Middle Cutoff Frequencies [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems IRegular Papers, 2018, 65(2): 1-10.

[4] 黄翔东, Xuecheng Zhao, Jinying Ma. Joint carrier and DOA estimation for multi-band sources based on sub-Nyquist sampling coprime array with large time lags [J]. Signal Processing, 2022(195): 108466.

[5] 黄翔东, Wang Yuedong, Liu Kun, et al. High-Efficiency Endpoint Detection in Optical Fiber Perimeter Security[J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2016, 34(21): 5049-5055.

[6] 黄翔东, Biyao Wang, Kun Liu , Tiegen Liu. An Event Recognition Scheme Aiming to Improve both Accuracy and Effciency in Optical Fiber Perimeter Security System[J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2020,38(20):5783-5790

[7] 黄翔东, Xiaoqing Yang,  Wei Lu. Pseudo Noise Subspace Based DOA Estimation for Unfolded Coprime Linear Arrays[J]. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2021, 10(11):2335-2339

[8] 黄翔东, Wang Yuedong, Liu Kun, et al. Event Discrimination of Fiber Disturbance based on Filter Bank in DMZI Sensing System[J]. IEEE   Photonics Journal, 2016, 8(3): 1-14.  

[9]. 黄翔东,Minjie Ren, Qiankun Han, Xiaoqi Shi, Jie Nie, Weizhi Nie. Emotion Detection for Conversations Based on Reinforcement Learning Framework [J]. IEEE Multimedia, 2021, 28(2): 76-85.  

[10] 黄翔东, Xiang-gen Xia. A Fine Resolution Frequency Estimator Based on Double Sub-segment Phase Difference[J]. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2015, 22(8): 1055-1059.  


Selected Awards and Honors

(1) Selected as the vice director general of  Intelligent Information Processing Branch of High tech Industrialization Research Association in 2019.  


Teaching Experience

(1) Advanced Signal processing

(2) Digital Communications

(3) Wavelet analysis and applications in signal processing.