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TIEI Launched the Mid-term Teaching Supervision Group Meeting

On October 17, 2017, TIEI launched the mid-term teaching supervision group meeting for this term. Experts including Wang Baoqi, Ren Changming and Hou Zhengxin of the group, as well as Wang Wenjie, Li Yuan, Chen Yuhong, Shi Yang and Liu Zongxin of TIEI teaching affairs team attended this meeting.

Firstly, Wang Wenjie, TIEI teachingadminister gave some explanation towards the setting adjustment of several courses to the experts of supervision group, and askedthem to give some guidance and advices. She also asked them to continuously do well the supervision work over the studies and teaching during the teaching inspection period of mid-term, and strictly treat the construction of fine study style, students’ attendance and so on.Then, the experts provided the suggestions towards the problems found during the recent work, such as to arrange the class monitors and the study commissaries to make the daily supervision and statistics work related to the students’ attendance.Finally, experts gave conclusion and report toward the recent supervision work over studies and teaching, and gave guidance and suggestions towards the solutions of detailed issues.They expressed thatthey would constantly enhance their supervision and management work over TIEI teaching.Both sides had discussion and made plans towards the recent supervision work, and had record about the problems found and suggestions given by the experts.The teaching supervision group aims to supervise the teaching quality work of TIEI, so as to guarantee and improve the teaching quality of TIEI.