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Xue Jingsheng, Chief of Technology Informatization Office, Tianjin Public Security Bureau Launched A Special Lecture for TIEI Students

OnSeptember 26th,2017, professor Xue Jingsheng from technology informatization office, Tianjin public security bureau launched a speciallecturewith the topic of “ConstructionPlanning andApplication for Urban Emergency Linkage System” for TIEI studentswith the specialties ofcomputer science and electronics.

Professor Xue Jingsheng has abundantworkingexperienceof over 30 yearsininformatization office,Tianjin public securitybureau.In addition, heis alsothe professor-level senior engineer of Tianjin public security bureau and the master tutor of Tianjin university. During this lecture, he gave introductions to the present students around “Typical emergencies and basic concepts; Overview of foreign emergency linkage system and Urban emergency linkage system construction plan”.And hefocused on explaining theapplication cases of urban emergency linkage system, showing the way to adoptthespecialty knowledgelearned in the university into the practice field. At last, professor Xue Jingshengmadeconclusionofthe focus knowledgeof this lectureand hisownexperienceandthoughts, and shared his valuableworkingexperience withthestudents.

In theinteraction section with students, professor Xue Jingsheng answered theprofessional questions proposed by TIEI students. Hewasverypatient to solve students’ doubt about this lecture’scontent. Andhecommunicated with the students about the planning and development of the urban emergency linkage system construction. The studentsexpressed thatthis lecturewas highly targeted, that professor Xue Jingsheng’s experience is worth learning and adopting; moreover, combined with the professional knowledgeand vivid case analysis,they have benefited a lot.