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Advanced Operating Systems

Course Name (Chinese): 高级操作系统

            (English): Advanced Operating Systems

Course Name:Advanced Operating Systems

Course Code: S2298026


Credit: 2

Program: Computer Science

Course Module: Specialized Compulsory

Responsible: Gang Li

E-mail: ligang@tju.edu.cn

Department: School of Computer Science & Technology, Tianjin University

Time Allocation (1 credit hour = 45 minutes)





Internship (days)

Personal Work





Course Description

The course is optionaldesigned for Engineering Master of Computer Science in TIEI. Students will study advanced operating system topics and be exposed to recent developments in conducting systems research. The topics of the course includes: operating system design, virtual memory management, virtual machines, OS interaction with the hardware architecture, synchronization and communication, file systems, protection, and security. By the end of this course, the students could understand the inner working mechanism of the operating system and manage the hardware of the computer.


Ÿ Understanding of the basic operating system (POSIX): the basic components  and concept of the operating system.

Course Objectives

Ÿ To understand the components of the operating system and its internal working principle.

Ÿ To understand the structure of computer hardware.

Ÿ To understand the operating system which manages the computer hardware.

Course Syllabus

Ÿ Introduction and Architecture: the basic concept and trend of the Architecture.

Lab1: Xv6 and Unix utilities. This lab will familiarize you with xv6 and its system calls.

Lab2: system calls. you used systems calls to write a few utilities.

Lab3: traps. This lab explores how system calls are implemented using traps.

Lab4: page tables. In this lab you will explore page tables and modify them to simplify the functions that copy data from user space to kernel space.

Lab5: Copy-on-Write Fork for xv6. The lazy allocation lab provided one example. This lab explores another example: copy-on write fork.

Lab6: Multithreading. This lab will familiarize you with multithreading.

Lab7: file system. In this lab you will add large files and symbolic links to the xv6 file system.

Textbooks & References

Ÿ Silberschatz and PB Galvin. Principles of Operating Systems (9th ed). CMP, 2018.

Ÿ Andrew S. TanenbaumHerbert Bos, Modern Operating Systems (4th ed).

Ÿ CMP, 2017.

Capability Tasks

CT1: To understanding the basic concepts of the components and the operating system.

CT2: To master the inner working of the operating system.

CT3: To master the basic thought of the operating system.  

CS1: To understand different operating system and their trends.

CS2: To master the internal working mechanism of the operating system and to develop the device programs.


Ÿ To understand the operation of the scheduler (LINUX). - Level: N

Ÿ To master the inner working of the operating system. - Level: N

Ÿ To develop the device of the progress. - Level: M

Ÿ To understand how to manage the memory. - Level: N

Ÿ To understand the file system in the operating system. - Level: N

Students: Computer Science,Year 1





Term Paper



Language of assessmentChinese

Attendance        0   %     Homework:     100   %    

Mid-term report/test 0  %      Final report/test 0  %