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Digital Image Processing

Course Name (Chinese):数字图像处理


Course Name: Digital image processing

Course Code:S2298065

Semester: 3


Program: Computer Science

Course Module: Specialized Optional

Responsible: Li Xuewei

E-mail: lixuewei@tju.edu.cn

Department:College Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University

Time Allocation(1 credit hour = 45 minutes)





Internship (days)

Personal Work




Course Description

The students should know aboutthe characteristics of digital image processing and comprehend the basic image processing methods, which can be used in further study, such as pattern recognition.


Ÿ Theory of computation basic: basic knowledge of the algorithm, computational complexity, automaton theory, computability theory.

Ÿ Mathematics: basic knowledge ofmatrix, computing model.

Ÿ Data structure : have a basic knowledge of the logical structure and physical structure of the data.

Ÿ program design: the ability to write programs independently.

Course Objectives

“Digital Image Processing” is a selective course of specialized subject of department of computer science in school of CS.The main contents of this course include the basic concepts of digital image, fundamentals, image enhancement and image segmentation etc.


Ÿ Fundamentals in digital image:

1).Know about the main contents and characteristics of image processing.

2).Knowabout the applications and development of image processing.

3).Comprehend vision model and human vision characteristics.

4).Know about some basic concepts of digital image.

Ÿ Image enhancement inspatial domain

1).Comprehend the basic image contrast enhancement method.

2).Comprehend the basic image smoothing method, such as median filter, KNN, etc.

3).Comprehend the image enhancement methods in frequency domain

Ÿ Imagesegmentation

1).Comprehend and realize the basic image segmentationtechnologies.

2).Comprehend the target representation and description.

Ÿ Mathematical Morphology.

1).Comprehends and be able to use fundamental operation of mathematical morphology.

2).Be able to realize image enhancement and image analysis using different operations of mathematical morphology.

Ÿ Appendix

1).know about color image representation and the color space.

2).know about the basic color image processing methods.

Textbooks & References

Ÿ Image Engineering(1st volume): image processing and analysis, Zhang Yujin,Tsinghua University Press, 1999,3.

Ÿ Digital image processing,Gonzalez, Electric Industry Press, 2003,3

Ÿ Digital image processing fundamental, Zhu Hong, China Science Press, 2005.10

Capability Tasks

CT1: To understand basic concepts of digital image and basic processing for it.

CT2: To master the algorithm of image enhancement, image segmentation.

CS1: To master the basic theoretical knowledge, to understand the professional status and trends.

CS2:To get the initial capacity of using programming language to process any image.


Ÿ To understand concepts of image segmentation and enhancement. - Level: N

Ÿ To master the Matlab/python/C++ language. - Level: M

Ÿ To master the ability to understand and deal with the real problem on image. - Level: M

Students:Computer Science, Year 2









Attendance10 % Homework: 40 %

Mid-termreport/test0% Finalreport/test50 %