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Optical Communications Systems



Zixiong Wang



Course Name: Optical Communications Systems

Course Code: s2293180

Semester: 3

Credit: 4

Program: Electronics

Course Module: Optional Courses (Communications)

Responsible: Zixiong Wang

E-mail: wangzixiong@tju.edu.cn

Department:Tianjin International Engineering Institute, Tianjin University

TimeAllocation(1 credit hour = 45 minutes)






Personal Work





Course Description

Properties and imperfections of optical transmission systems: dispersion, non linearities, chirp, mode partition, etc. Special fibers. Solitons.

Coherent transmission systems: coherent sources, modulation methods, heterodyne and homodyne coherent reception, advantages and applications.

Multiplexing techniques: subcarrier multiplexing (SCM), wavelength division (WDM), optical frequency and time division (OFDM, OTDM). Crosstalk problems.

Topology and morphology of photonic networks: core and access network. “Last mile” problem. Possibilities and limits.

Planning: operation and capacity management, power budget, optical amplification, wavelength assignment. Reliability and economic aspects.


Digital Communications, Linear Algebra, Probability

Course Objectives

As part of this course, students will learn to:

  1. Design and operate basic optical fiber systems,

  2. Understand the essential system impairments and methods used in their mitigation,

  3. Understand and measure fiber data link parameters, including loss, dispersion, and bit error rate,

  4. Learn and perform standard experimental methods in fiber optics, including fiber handling, apparatus setup, safety, and stability,

  5. Learn and improve data processing skills, including curve fitting, error analysis, accuracy, and assessment of reasonableness,

  6. Present results as teams in written reports and in oral presentations.

Course Syllabus

  1. Overview of Optical Communications

  2. Dielectric Waveguide Fundamentals

    1. Symmetric Slab Waveguides

    2. Optical Fiber Waveguides

      1. Wave equation solutions

      2. Single-mode and multimode fiber

      3. Alternative refractive index profiles

    3. Gaussian beam measurements and fiber coupling

  3. Signal Degradation in Fiber

    1. Fiber manufacture

    2. Losses

      1. Intrinsic loss mechanisms

      2. Coupling loss

      3. Bending loss

    3. Loss measurements

    4. Dispersion

      1. Group velocity dispersion

      2. Dispersion management

      3. Polarization dispersion

    5. Dispersion measurement

  4. Optical Sources

    1. Basic light emission mechanisms in semiconductors

    2. Light-emitting diodes

    3. Semiconductor lasers

    4. Optical emitter characterization

  5. Detection

    1. Basic light absorption concepts in semiconductors

    2. Photodiode detectors

    3. Receiver components

    4. Noise

    5. Bit error rate and receiver sensitivity

    6. Detectors and noise studies

  6. System Fundamentals

    1. Point-to-point link power budgets

    2. BER measurements

    3. Eye diagrams

    4. Loss and dispersion limits

    5. Network architectures

    6. Design guidelines

    7. Link characterization (laboratory)

  7. Advanced Topics

    1. Optical amplifiers

    2. Nonlinear effects

    3. Soliton propagation

    4. Coherent detection

    5. Amplifier characterization

Textbooks & References

  • Ramaswami and Sivarajan.Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective. Morgan Kaufmann.

Capability Tasks

CT1: To understand basic science, and to have analytical ability and the ability to integrate related knowledge.

CT2: To apply relevant professional knowledge to the field of science and technology: understanding of the basic concepts andits connotation, application of different methods and concepts which have been learned, capability of judging the scope and limitations of such applications.

CT3: To grasp methodologies and engineering tools: identifying, utilizing and solving problems. Even if the students are not familiar with the content, they can turn to computer tools for systematic analysis.

CT4: To carry out experiments in research environment with the abilities to utilize tools, especially for data collection and processing.

CT10: To have the capacity to work in international environment; the capability to master one or more foreign languages and be open to foreign cultures; be able to acclimatize themselves to the international language environment.


  • To be able to understand and measure fiber data link parameters, including loss, dispersion, and bit error rate. - Level: M

  • To be able to perform standard experimental methods in fiber optics, including fiber handling, apparatus setup, safety, and stability. - Level: M

  • To be able to do data processing, including curve fitting, error analysis, accuracy, and assessment of reasonableness. - Level: M

Students: Electronics, Year 2