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Overview of Optoelectronics Measurement Technology

Course Name (Chinese):光电检测技术概述

(English):Overview ofOptoelectronics Measurement Technology

Course Name: Overview of Optoelectronics Measurement Technolog

Semester: 3

Program: Building

Course Module: Automation

Responsible:Shuang Wang; Junfeng Jiang

E-mail: shuangwang@tju.edu.cn; jiangjfjxu@tju.edu.cn

Department:Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University

Time Allocation(1 credit hour = 45 minutes)





Internship (days)

Personal Work







Course Description

Topics covered in this course are basic theory, methods and related applications of optoelectronics measurement technology.


Advanced Mathematics

Course Objectives

Students will be guided to choose a research direction of optoelectronics measurement technology and carry out scientific research. They will be trained to analyse and solve real-life problems.

Course Syllabus

1.An introduction to optoelectronics measurement technology.

2.Lectures on the progress of optoelectronics measurement technology by invited scholars.

3.Organizing students to discuss research direction and investigation process.

4.Introduction to the first part of research direction of optoelectronics measurement technology.

5.Introduction to the second part of research direction of optoelectronics measurement technology.

6.Instruction on research report, oral presentation and discussion.

Textbooks & References

•T. Liu. Optoelectronics Measurement Technology and System (2nd Edition), Tianjin University Press, 2017

•T. Liu. Discrete Optical Fiber Sensing Technology and Systems. PublishingHouse of Electronics Industry, 2012

•G. Yang. Modern Optical Measurement Technology, Zhejiang University Press, 1997

•Y. Zhang. Applied Optics. Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2008

•Y. Liao. Fiber Optics: Principles and applications. Tsinghua University Press,2010

•R. Hui, M.O'Sullivan. Fiber Optic Measurement Techniques. Academic Press, 2009

Capability Tasks

CT1: To understand basic science, and to have analytical ability and the ability to integrate related knowledge.

CT2: To apply relevant professional knowledge to the field of science and technology: understanding of the basic concepts and its connotation, application of different methods and concepts which have been learned, capability of judging the scope and limitations of such applications.

CT3: To grasp methodologies and engineering tools: identifying, utilizing and solving problems. Even if the students are not familiar with the content, they can turn to computer tools for systematic analysis.

CT4: To carry out experiments in research environment with the abilities to utilize tools, especially for data collection and processing.

CT8: To understand social demands.

CS2: Able to make intelligent monitoring for energy consumption, comfort degree and other physical performance of green buildings, and master active and passive technologies for green guarantee in the operation of buildings;

CS3: Able to make intelligent monitoring and evaluation on the soundness of buildings.


•To understand the progress, basic theory, and related applications of optoelectronics measurement technology. –Level: A

•To be able to carry out academic research. –Level: M

•To understand how to choose research direction and do research work. –Level: M

Students:Building,Year 2









Attendance20 % Homework: 30 %

Mid-termreport/test0 % Finalreport/test50 %