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Cooperation between university and enterprise

——The unveiling ceremony of joint training base of Tianjin International Engineering Institute and NXP (China) Management Co. Ltd’s innovation and entrepreneurship laboratory

(correspondent Peng Yan)March 16, 2017,The unveiling ceremony of joint training base of Tianjin International Engineering Institute and NXP (China) Management Co. Ltd’s innovation and entrepreneurship laboratory was held ceremoniously in Tianjin International Engineering Institute. NXP (China) Management Co. Ltd’s Asia Pacific marketing director Zhang Yiwen and director of government relations Ren Xia,deputy director of Tianjin University Qiushi Honors College Yu Hong,deputy director of Tianjin University Qiushi Honors College and educationalvice president of Tianjin International Engineering Institute Yu Mei,deputy director of Tianjin University Qiushi Honors College andexecutivevice president of Tianjin International Engineering Institute Wang Wei, head of the major of electraonics and communication engineering of Tianjin International Engineering Institute Su Yuting,head of the major of computer technology Wang Jianrong attended the ceremony.

The two sides held a meeting in the conference room ofTianjin International Engineering Institute. They discussed deeply based on the previous cooperation between university and enterprise and reached an agreement, according to the talent cultivation of Tianjin International Engineering Institute and the development orientation of NXP in recent years.

After the meeting, the Party secretary of Qiushi Honors College andTianjin International Engineering Institute Shan and the director of government relations Ren Xia unveiled the nameplate of Tianjin International Engineering Institute and NXP Innovation Laboratory.Asia Pacific marketing director Zhang Yiwen and deputy director of Tianjin University Qiushi Honors College Yu Hong unveiled the nameplate of joint training base.