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Xuewei Li

Xuewei Li


职称Associate professor
   所在系别School of Cybersecurity
   导师类型Master Tutor


Xuewei Li is the associate professor and master's supervisor of the College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University. She received a doctor's degree in computer application technology from Tianjin University in June 2009.Her Research is focused on image processing, computer vision, artificial intelligence which mainly including image segmentation, image enhancement, object detection and tracking, etc. She has authored/co-authored over 10 papers in domestic and foreign journals and many conference papers. She serves as the reviewer of a top international journal which named APPLIED ENERGY. She has presided over or participated in many projects such as National Key R&D Plan (sub-project leader), National Science and Technology Support Project (project leader), National Natural Science Foundation, Tianjin New Generation AI Major Special Project and several horizontal projects.

Research Field                                                                         

Computer Vision, Knowledge Graph, Big Data Intelligence, etc.

Research Direction                                                                                  

Video Analysis, image Segmentation, Image classification, etc.


Research Project                                                                          

 2018.10-2021.09Tianjin new generation AI technology major special project, one million
The research and development of intelligent auxiliary analysis system based on standardized thyroid nodule ultrasound image dataset. (Person in charge: Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital, Xi Wei)

 2017.01-2019.12National key R&D projects, six hundred thousand
 Research on data transmission technology of ****. Subtopic, Host.



(1)Ruixuan Zhang, Wenhuan Lu, Xi Wei, Jialin Zhu, Han Jiang, Zhiqiang Liu, Jie Gao, Xuewei Li*, Jian Yu, Mei Yu, and Ruiguo Yu. A Progressive Generative Adversarial Method for Structurally Inadequate Medical Image Data Augmentation . IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS. (SCI Region II journal papers, Corresponding Author )

2Mei Yu, Junbin Wei, Chenhan Wang, Han Jiang, Jian Yu, Ruixuan Zhang, Xuewei Li(*), RuiguoYu. EDGE ENHANCEMENT NETWORK FOR WEAKLY SUPERVISED SEMANTIC SEGMENTATION . IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2021. (CCF Class B meeting Corresponding Author )

 3Xiang Ying, Yulin Zhang, Xi Wei, Mei Yu, Jialin Zhu, Jie Gao, Zhiqiang Liu, Xuewei Li*, Ruiguo Yu*. MSDAN: Multi-Scale Self-Attention Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Network for Thyroid Ultrasound Images[C]. BIBM, 2020, 871-876. CCF Class B meeting Co-Corresponding Author 

4 Ruiguo Yu, Jiachen Hu, Mei Yu, Xi Wei, Han Jiang, Jialin Zhu, Zhiqiang Liu, Jie Gao, and Xuewei Li*. Boundary-aware Segmentation Network Using Multi-Task Enhancement for Ultrasound Image[C]. BIBM, 2020, 1210-1214.  Corresponding Author 

5 Mei Yu, Minyutong Cheng, Xubin Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Jie Gao, Xuzhou Fu, Xuewei Li*, and Ruiguo Yu. Tumor Classification Based on Approximate Symmetry Using Dual-Branch Complementary Fusion Network [C]. BIBM, 2020, 1215-1218. Corresponding Author 

6 Mei Yu, Zhuo Zhang, Xuewei Li*, Jian Yu, Jie Gao, Zhiqiang Liu, Bo You, Xiaoshan Zheng, Ruiguo Yu*. Superposition Graph Neural Network for offshore wind power prediction [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020, 113, 145-157.  Co-Corresponding Author 

7 Ziyu Bai, Luchen Chang, Ruiguo Yu, Xuewei Li*, Xi Wei*, Mei Yu, Zhiqiang Liu, Jie Gao, Jialin Zhu, Yulin Zhang, Shuaijie Wang, ZhuoZhang. Thyroid nodules risk stratification through deep learning based on ultrasound images [J]. Medical Physics, 2020, 47(11): 6455-6465.  Co-Corresponding Author 

8 Ruiguo Yu, Jiachen Hu, Xi Wei , Mei Yu, Jialin Zhu, Jie Gao, Zhiqiang Liu , Xuewei Li*. Generative Adversarial Network using Multi-modal Guidance for Ultrasound Images Inpainting [C]. ICONIP, 2020, 338-349. Corresponding Author 

9 Qingzhi Hou, Yifeng Chen, Mei Yu, Ruiguo Yu, Jian Yu, Mankun Zhao, Tianyi Xu, Xuewei Li*. Order-aware Embedding Non-sampling Factorization Machines for Context-Aware Recommendation[C]. ICONIP 2020, 780-788. Corresponding Author 

 10Mei Yu, Minyutong ChengHan Jiang, Jining Shen, Ruiguo Yu , Xiang Ying, Jie Gao, Xuewei Li*. Multi-Scale Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Using Atrous Feature Pyramid Network[C]. ICONIP 2020, 461-472. Corresponding Author 

11 Xuewei Li, Hongqian Shen, Chenhan Wang, Han Jiang, et al. Dual-Convolutional Enhanced Residual Network for Single Super-Resolution of Remote Sensing Images,ICONIP2018.

 Xuewei Li, Shuaijie Wang, Xi Wei, Jialin Zhu, Ruiguo Yu*, Mankun Zhao, Mei Yu, Zhiqiang Liu, Shupei Liu. Fully Convolutional Networks for Ultrasound Image Segmentation of Thyroid Nodules[C]. 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications. 2018:886-890.

12 Ruiguo Yu, Zhiqiang Liu, Xuewei Li, Wenhuan Lu, Degang Ma, Mei Yu, Jianrong Wang, Bin Li. Scene learning: Deep convolutional networks for wind power prediction by embedding turbines into grid space. Applied Energy, Volume 238, Pages 249-257.

 13Ruiguo Yu, Kai Liu, Xi Wei, Jialin Zhu, Xuewei Li*, Jianrong Wang, Xiang Ying, and Zhihui Yu. Localization of Thyroid Nodules in Ultrasonic Images[C]. // International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications. Springer, 2018:635-646.

 14Xiang Ying, Zhihui Yu, Ruiguo Yu, Xuewei Li, Mei Yu, Mankun Zhao, Kai Liu. Thyroid Nodule Segmentation in Ultrasound Images Based on Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network. International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2018.

15 Ruiguo Yu, Xuzhou Fu, Han Jiang, Chenhan Wang, Xuewei Li, Mankun Zhao, Xiang Ying, Hongqian Shen. Remote Sensing Image Segmentation by Combining Feature enhanced with Fully Convolutional Network. International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2018.

16 Jing Li, Xuewei Li, Wenjun Wang, Shuyu Shi, Ruixin Song. The Consistency Analysis of Urban Land Function with Communication Network and Human Behavior Patterns. WCSE 2017.

 17Chengju Zhou, Changqing Zhang, Xuewei Li, Gaotao Shi and Xiaochun Cao, VIDEO FACE CLUSTERING VIA CONSTRAINED SPARSE REPRESENTATION, ICME, 2014.

18 Xiaochun Cao, Zhiqiang Tao, Bao Zhang, Huazhu Fu, Xuewei Li, SALIENCY MAP FUSION BASED ON RANK-ONE CONSTRAINT, ICME, 2013,1-6.

19 Xuewei Li and Xiaochun Cao, A Simple Framework for Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012.

 20Xuewei LiXinrong ZhangAutomatic smoothing of color images with edges and detailsComputer Engineering and Application2010,46(3).

21Xuewei LiXinrong ZhangResearch on edge-preserving gaussian smoothing filtering algorithmComputer Applications and Software2010,27(1).

22Xiaojie Guo, Xiaochun Cao, Jiawan Zhang, Xuewei Li, MIFT: A mirror reflection invariant feature descriptor, In Proceedings of ACCV (2)'2009..

 23Xuewei Li, Xinrong Zhang, A Perceptual Color edge detection algorithm, Wuhan, IEEE CSSE, 2008.12.

 24Xuewei LIPilian HeXinrong ZhangColor image segmentation framework based on visual perception modelJournal of Optoelectronics2008,8 (19)1127~1131.

 25Fengbo MengXinrong Zhang Xuewei LIA new skin color segmentation algorithm based on color constancy [J]. Computer Engineering and Application, 2007, 43(17):82-84.

 26Xuewei LiXinrong ZhangFace detection based on skin color in complex backgroundMicrocomputer application2006,6.

 27Xuewei LiXinrong ZhangFace location based on gray difference projectionMicroprocessor2004,2.



Computer Organization and Architecture
igital Image Processing

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