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The School of Future Technologies of Tianjin University Recruiting Overseas Talents

Job openings

Senior experts/Professors, Education and Teaching Experts, International Exchange Administrative Managers, Engineers.


Application requirements

Foreign talents who are passionate about Chinese culture and education; be physically and mentally healthy, and possess good ethical qualities and moral cultivation; hold a postgraduate degree or above, with outstanding academic/management achievements in relevant disciplinary/working fields, and demonstrate strong potential for growth.


Job Requirement and Responsibility:

01 Senior Expert/Professor

(1) Requirements:

Foreign experts and scholars with international influence who focus on artificial intelligence, electronic information, low-carbon intelligent buildings and other fields, have independent research directions that align with the trends in development, and lead international cutting-edge interdisciplinary academic research development in the field;  have extensive experience in international exchange and cooperation, and the ability to play aa key role in discipline construction, talent cultivation, and education and teaching.

(2) Responsibilities:

Guide and cultivate postgraduate scientific research work, undertake the teaching tasks for undergraduates and postgraduates in the school or co-construction schools.

Actively declare funds and projects in the fields of artificial intelligence, electronic information, low-carbon intelligent architecture, etc.

Promote international exchanges and cooperation in relevant disciplines and participate in discipline construction.


02 Education and Teaching Experts

(1) Requirements:

Foreign experts and scholars with high-level teaching proficiency, grasping the cutting-edge education and teaching concept both domestically and internationally, possessing experience and capabilities in cultivating top-notch innovative talents, and with representative research achievements in education and teaching; certain experience in international exchange and cooperation is needed.

(2) Responsibilities:

Undertake various teaching tasks stipulated by the university and the school, carry out in-depth education and teaching research and reforms, actively declare domestic and international education and teaching-related funds and projects; participate in the internationalized education and teaching construction of the school.


03 Administrative personnel

(1) Requirements:

Experienced in organizing and managing international exchange programs for students.

Good language skills (French preferred).

(2) Responsibilities:

Mainly engage in the construction, expansion and management of international exchange programs for students of the school,

Support the foreign exchange and internationalized strategic development of the school.


04 Engineer

(1) Requirements:

Software engineers or hardware engineers experienced in research and development in fields related to micro-nano satellites and industrial Internet of Things.

Work experience in well-known domestic and international companies is needed.

(2) Responsibilities:

Guide students in the implementation of cooperative projects, internships, and research projects between the school and enterprises, including research plan development, work implementation, organization management, and process supervision.

Participate in the interdisciplinary platform construction of the school and relevant projects development.




Competitive salaries and benefits will be provided jointly by Tianjin university, the state and Tianjin Municipality.

In addition, generous research start-up funds and good working and living conditions will be offered.

If Hukou registration in Tianjin is needed, Tianjin University will assist in according to the policies of Tianjin Municipality.



Filing time:

All year round



Application method:

Please provide the following materials and send them via email to the contact person at the School of Future Technologies, named: "School of Future Technologies - Your Name - Applied Position".

(1) Resume/CV

(2) Representative achievements

(3) Future research/educational &teaching plans


Contact information:

School of Future Technologies Ms. ZHANG


E-mail:Xiaojuan Zhang, tiei2014@tju.edu.cn